The Not So Obvious Lesson Dirt Biking and Motocross Racing Teach Us
Motocross is a fun-filled, fast, and extremely competitive sport. With every race and ride, it's just expected that their will be wrecks, spills, and tip-overs. These are just some of the many setbacks we experience while racing.
To throw your leg over the saddle and plop your big ole behind down on that gripper seat and expect not to have a wipe out is like expecting that donut you are eyeing to not ooze sweetness when you bite into it. As Homer Simpson would say "MMMM DONUTS".
You take a mini leap of faith every time you twist your right wrist. (Righty-Tighty, Lefty-Loosey....How many of us still use this trick when working on our bikes? I know I do!) dare to go further and push the limits every time you ride, raising the bar higher and higher with every thump and ping. All the while risking serious injury. Even with the risk of serious injury, isn't taking leaps and pushing the boundaries what life is all about? Searching for new experiences and the desire to make ourselves better for the world? Can we let the possibility of a setback keep us down and hold us back from our full potential?
Wow...I need a breather...tying "full potential" and "Righty-Tighty, Lefty-Loosey" together in the same paragraph took some major brain power.
Ok back at it.
Motocross and Enduro racing is more than just the race, the practice, the lap time, the gym sessions. It's about the family you create, the bonds you make, the confidence you gain.
If you were one of those little kiddos sending it over the finish line triple at your local track, you're way ahead of me. Or if you are one of those A Level Riders that forgets to use your brake every now and then going into a turn and corrects by giving it even more throttle, you already know what it means to take a leap of faith.
Why is it though that we are willing to take these huge (some would call crazy) leaps of faith that could have serious consequences while we are out riding, but many of us are unwilling to take a leap of faith in our own daily lives? Many of us stay at the same old job, even though we know we could do better. Many of us won't go to the gym because we are afraid of what others might think of our body composition. Composition...isn't that a Notebook many of us used to write our dreams in when we were little kids in grade school?
Composition Notebook. What a great idea. A PHYSICAL place to DREAM.
I want you to find that Composition Notebook that is still inside of you.